Women’s Recovery Center
Rising Roads Recovery is a woman-owned, women-only recovery center treating mental health, trauma, substance abuse and relational issues.

Proven Practices for Women’s Recovery
Over the years, we’ve found one common thread connecting women who stay in recovery: a full life that they aren’t willing to give up. Rising Roads is woman-owned and created to help women craft the futures they want, and we do this by sharing our own stories. Our certified staff is composed of women who have found purpose and joy, and they are honored to take you through this process for yourself. We achieve this through a combination of evidence-based practices, including:
- Psychiatric consultation
- Medication management
- Daily 12-Step meetings
- Grief and loss work
- Healthy relationships workshops
- Trauma exploration and resolution
- Family work
- Nutritional guidance, grocery shopping, and cooking classes
- Individual and group therapy
- Yoga, meditation, and contemplation
- Resume writing and job search assistance
- Educational planning and assistance
- Psychoeducational groups
Our Mission: Crafted by Women for Women
Our mission is to provide an integrated, balanced program of recovery that empowers women to fully engage with the deep inner work required for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Through trauma-first treatment, nutritional guidance, self-care practices, and expressive arts therapies, Rising Roads equips women to engage with life again with confidence.
The Gaelic Blessing Behind Our Name
This traditional Gaelic blessing is where Rising Roads Recovery for Women began.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Where the Roads Rise Up to Meet You
If you or someone you love is looking to begin the journey toward lifelong healing, our women-owned and run program will comprehensively address the needs of each women we serve: mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Reach out to us today by calling 866-746-1558.