Food & Mood: Nutrition

Overeating and restriction are common behaviors among women in early recovery. Our nutritional guidance program helps clients to develop a positive relationship with food.

women laughing in residential behavioral health center

Treatment for Disordered Eating

Over the years, we have found that nearly every woman who has struggled with trauma, mental illness, or substance abuse eventually falls into a pattern of disordered eating. This philosophy serves as the basis of our Food & Mood program.

Disordered eating takes several forms, including overeating (especially when emotions run high) and restricting (usually to exert control over one’s life). It may be spurred by past trauma, deep psychological issues, or the cessation of drug or alcohol use. No matter what triggered a woman’s disordered eating, our clinicians provide the care and support needed for lifelong recovery.

Do You Treat Eating Disorders?

Rising Roads is the perfect fit for women who use food to self-soothe, especially after getting sober or making a major life change. While we regularly help clients with a history of disordered eating, our Food & Mood program does not provide acute medical intervention for eating disorders. We encourage those with severe cases of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and ARFID to seek treatment at specialized facilities before coming to Rising Roads.

We do provide nutritional support and guidance to women who have already completed inpatient programs for eating disorders and substance use disorders. Our providers adhere to existing treatment plans, create safety around food, and help women to transition back into daily life after intensive treatment.

Nutritional Guidance at Rising Roads

Our Food & Mood program equips women to identify potential pitfalls along the road to recovery and course-correct for lasting health and happiness. The ladies of Rising Roads learn to make grocery lists, follow a budget, and prepare meals. In cooking class, they discover that healthy dishes aren’t just delicious—they’re quick and easy to make. We also teach them the facts about fad diets and mindful eating. This combination of hands-on education and real-world knowledge provides a solid foundation for health and wellness in recovery.

Eat Well, Live Well

To learn more about our programming for disordered eating, contact the Rising Roads admissions team. We are available 24/7 to answer all of your questions and prepare you for next steps.

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