Helping Women Conquer Addiction
Rising Roads provides proven treatment for substance use disorder and process addictions. We have created a comprehensive, gender-specific program tailored to the needs of women.
Helping Women Conquer Addiction
Rising Roads provides proven treatment for substance use disorder and process addictions. We have created a comprehensive, gender-specific program tailored to the needs of women.

Addiction Treatment for Women
We define addiction as the compulsive repetition of harmful, negative behaviors. This pattern appears in two forms: the overuse of substances (substance use disorder) or a cycle of repeated actions (process addictions). Whether a woman is addicted to alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, or anything else, the story is the same: she will continue to behave this way in spite of the consequences. And often, her actions began as a response to trauma, mental illness, or another environmental issue. At Rising Roads, we help women with a variety of chemical and behavioral dependencies, including substance use disorder, marijuana abuse, and alcoholism, to recover for life.
Substance Use Disorder
Marijuana Abuse
Substance Use Disorder
Substance Use Disorder
We provide a step-down level of care for women recovering from addiction to prescription painkillers (opioids), heroin and other opiates, prescription stimulants, methamphetamine, cocaine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, club drugs, inhalants, hallucinogens, and over-the-counter medicines.
Marijuana Abuse
Marijuana Abuse
Thanks to its widespread legalization, cannabis use disorder has become more prevalent than ever before. This condition can cause lifelong complications, including drug-induced psychosis. We help women to discover the benefits of life without cannabinoids.
Drinking culture permeates every aspect of womanhood—from #winemom trends to girl’s night out drink specials, it seems like women of all ages are pushed into consuming alcohol. Our extended care program provides clients with purpose and excitement in sobriety, cementing their recovery for years to come.
For the first time in a while, I felt safe and proud to be me. Before arriving, I was told by doctors that if I had continued the lifestyle choices I was making for another week, I was going to die. I owe my life to Rising Roads Recovery.
As someone who was labeled a lost cause and thought I could never get sober, I’m now more than two years clean and dedicating my life and career to helping young women who struggle with addiction—and this is because of the staff at Rising Roads.
Becky and the rest of the staff empower their clients to launch into their recovery and provide invaluable tools to transition successfully back into the “real world.” Rising Roads is, quite simply, the best care a woman can receive.