Career Development Trainings During Treatment

career development training

Addiction is a holistic issue that can affect every facet of your life, including your ability to maintain meaningful employment. Bouncing between jobs or having large gaps in your resume can be red flags for potential employers, making it harder for you to find work you enjoy. Participating in career development training during addiction recovery can teach you valuable life skills that make it easier for you to return to the “real world” after completing a treatment program.

What Can Career Development Training Do for You?

Many women leave rehab hoping to “pay forward” what they’ve learned on their journey. Struggling to find a job due to a lack of experience and training can make this aspiration feel out of reach, detracting from your sense of self-worth.

Some life skills you can learn in Rising Roads Recovery’s career development training include resume building, time management, communication, adaptability, teamwork and coping with stress. These skills will give you more freedom and independence as you progress through your recovery, which can help you prevent a relapse by giving you renewed purpose.

The Value of Job Readiness Training in Recovery

At its core, career development training will teach you how to search for a job, address any gaps in your resume and develop essential interpersonal skills. You’ll also learn how to leverage your unique strengths, interests and personality type to your and your employer’s advantage. Ultimately, cultivating the qualities hiring managers look for will bolster your confidence and combat many of the damaging effects of addiction, such as isolation and low self-worth.

Maintaining a drug or drinking habit requires manipulation and deception, which are the opposite of the trust, honesty and teamwork that are part of healthy workplaces. Learning to be accountable to yourself and others can teach you perseverance, endurance and goal-setting abilities.

Career Matching and Personality Testing

Leaving a structured treatment program and transitioning back into everyday life can be one of the steepest hills to climb in early recovery. If you don’t have a job to return to or cannot find work right away, you can find yourself with large swaths of time on your hands, which can increase your rusk of relapse. Prolonged unemployment can also trigger mental health issues like depression and anxiety, further eroding your confidence and self-esteem.

Finding and keeping a job you enjoy can keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment, building the foundation for the next chapters of your life. Having a healthy self-worth is especially vital during the early stages of recovery. Career development training will help you realize it’s within your reach to regain your independence and work toward a better, healthier future for yourself.

Find Employment Assistance at Rising Roads Recovery

While being in a rehab program gives many people a much-needed opportunity to reevaluate their priorities and provides essential structure, some people find themselves feeling aimless once they return home. Rising Roads offers a comprehensive career matching and personality report for women looking for more direction as they progress through their recovery. The report uses the most current, reliable and valid psychometric tests available and details four domains – abilities, interests, values and personality. The intersection of these four areas will show you the best career or educational path to follow.

To learn more about our California women’s-only rehab program and how our career development training is part of healing mentally, physically and spiritually, please reach out to us today.

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